
Why You Should Choose Us

We only do mental health billing!

Most clinicians try searching for billing companies online. If they manage to get in touch with someone, they usually find that companies are reluctant to do psychology billing because these specialties are more labor intensive and fraught with pitfalls. Many are priced out of reach because of high monthly minimums.

PsychBiller specializes exclusively in psychology.¹ We focus our energy and commitment on staying current in this field alone, and strive for excellence in an ever changing business. Our small size allows us to maintain personal contact with you, and get to know your practice in a way a larger company can’t.

We’re insured.

You’ve got to have confidence in the company to whom you’ve entrusted your billing. After all, it’s your money at stake. In addition to general liability insurance, PsychBiller carries errors and ommissions insurance.

We leverage technology to its fullest.

We’re constantly searching for ways to automate and streamline our business processes.

Over 99% of all claims are submitted electronically. We replace paper Explanations of Benefits (EOBs) with Electronic Remittance Advices (ERAs) that are automatically posted by our billing software more quickly and accurately. Most insurance payments are deposited directly into your business checking account. Our company has been paperless since 2003.

We don’t outsource jobs to other countries.

Some billing companies outsource jobs to other countries because it lowers their costs. We believe in keeping your sensitive information here in the United States under the full protection of federal and state laws.

We walk the walk.

We have experienced mental illness first hand, both personally and in our families. We have been consumers of mental health treatment. We know how your clients feel as they try to navigate the health insurance system while simultaneously dealing with personal issues or supporting a loved one with mental illness. A portion of our net profits is donated to NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

We’re here to support you.

The solo and small group practice are alone in the wilderness of managed care. The pressure to join groups for economies of scale continues, but those groups themselves are under enormous pressure to become and stay profitable. We believe the independent practice is still viable, but needs support to stay focused on patient care and free up time for marketing and nurturing a network of referral sources. That’s what PsychBiller does best—supporting clinicians caring for people in need.

¹We do not offer billing services to master’s level clinicians, nor do we serve the states of Arizona, Maryland, New Jersey, Oregon, or Washington.